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Ex hu trying to ruin the holidays

Today my Ex made an effort to see our son for the first time in a year. He has said that me may come and see him a few times over the LST year, but never did. He refused to show up to any cort hearings, submit any paperwork to the cost. He hasn't paid any child supoet or bought so Mich as a gallon of milk in two years for our son.

To day he showed up and tried to tell me my best option was to move back out of state to where his whole family lives. He lives with his parents, and his whole family lives in one small podunk town that has no future and no job opportunities for my line of work. I have gotten a good job and just closed on a house, closed by afew weeks. He now has a job, the first one in almost 2 years, where he travels 6 weeks straight to get 3 days off.

Am I crazy to tell him I will not even consider moving away for! The only 2 family members I have left, who he wouldn't even let me visit or are while we were married, and give up a job and NEW house. My son is happy and he's got many people my parents and "work family" that love and spoils him rotten. What am I supposed to do?

Re: Ex hu trying to ruin the holidays

Meme: Talk to a Family Lawyer about this. There are legal issues surrounding taking a child to another State. Now that he has a job, have a Lawyer help you get child support or have whatever authority there is in your State enforcing the child support laws do it. Sometimes a man will slowly work his way back to a child or even alienate the child against the mom in order to get full custody and avoid paying child support. Tell the Lawyer about his lack of involvement with the child and his failure to show up in court. It's in the child's and your best interests to stay where you are. I would go for full custody. He is away at work too much to take care of your son and it seems like he may want to have his family take care of him if he moves near him. Sometimes the first visit to a Lawyer is free or go back to court or whoever your Lawyer was if you had one.