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Financially ruined, how do i start over with nothing

I have been emotionally broken down for years. I finally got the nerve to move out and it's been a battle. Dealing with the depression is hard enough in itself, but being financially destitute is the hardest. I have absolutely no family, I've been alienated from everyone for so long there is no one left in my life. I took my last 40 dollars and bought supplies to make lip balms and scrubs, put it online and I have gotten absolutely nothing from it. There was no Christmas for me, for the 4th year in a row. I don't know that else to do,I have pleaded with people online hoping they would understand the plight I have, but I have gotten no encouragement at all. What can I do? I'm one step away from being on the street and I'm not good at asking for help.

Re: Financially ruined, how do i start over with nothing

Christy: Finances are the hardest things to deal with after divorce. I suggest you get whatever help you need from disability to welfare to help from churches, public housing, the food pantry. I still shop at thrift shops. I went to the local food pantry when my ex left since I was only working part time. I also suffer from depression and have only two relatives in the area, both senior citizens. Best wishes.

Re: Financially ruined, how do i start over with nothing

You have my absolute sympathy but how on earth did you end up in a position where you relied so heavily on a man to take care of you that you only had 40 dollars left???

I see so many women in your position and its so disheartening.

I really hope that you're able to get on your feet so that you never find yourself in this position again. Best of luck to you!