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My newly sober addict Husband wants a divorce

My husband left me June 8, 2016. I tried to kill myself but taking an overdose of pills and he left me overdosed in my bed. He had just gone to visit his daughter in Ohio. I live in Florida. When he came back he decided he wanted to move there. Without me. I couldn't take it, so I attempted Suicide. We had no contact other than divorce papers in the mail back-and-forth, and an email he sent one of my friends. On August 21 he got his first DUI. On September 17 he got a second. On September 16 I found out that the truck that he had taken with him, that has both our names on it, had been paid off but the title was still in my name. Florida was getting ready to suspend my license. I was also responsible for the truck. I flew to Ohio, While he was in jail. I took possession of the truck, put it in storage, saw my step daughter and grandsons and came back. On September 24 he contacted me. At first it was just calling to apologize, it soon developed into him desiring to reconcile, go to counseling, get mental help and addiction help. I flew up to Ohio to sell the truck October 14. I had already made arrangements for him to have an intake while at the jail to start an outpatient rehab program. I also bailed him out. Within weeks he got a job, was attending meetings and seeing a counselor, psychiatrist, and attending AA. He came down to Florida to see me for three days at Thanksgiving. It was difficult when he left. I cried for a full day, and told him I didn't think it was a good idea for him to come back to Florida for a while. We agreed that because of his probation and loss of his license, we would not worry about relocating him back to Florida for at least two years. On Saturday, December 19 all that changed. The morning was wonderful with cute text messages back-and-forth. By 6 PM I was getting text saying he been thinking about it and he could just not come back to Florida because all of his support was up there. I reminded him of our agreement not to worry about it for two years. His reply was he would never move back to Florida. I spoke with his group leader on Monday, read her all the text, and she was going to call me Tuesday afternoon . after she and I spoke ffour hours later I received another text from him telling me that he wanted a divorce. That we should go back to where we were being separated and continue with the divorce I never did hear back from his Group leader. He refuses to speak with me, only insisting through email now, that he wants the divorce and it's what's best for him. I've never been an addict, I've never used alcohol or drugs. I believe that he needs help while going through his recovery. I didn't want to pressure him, or be a trigger. I've attended some Al-Anon meetings and celebrate recovery. I tried calling his therapist, whom I spoke to a few times, only to find out that the release for me to speak to anyone at the recovery program has been revoked. I'm a mess. One could say that I am codependent. My heart hurts. I don't want the divorce. I just don't know what to do.

Re: My newly sober addict Husband wants a divorce

He is an addict. You are suicidal. It is probably best that you stay away from each other.

Please get the mental help that you need and start to rebuild your life.