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Pot pills Husband taking daily

I have been married less than a year. My husband won't let anything from a past argument go. It comes up every time we have a new fight thing. He says it makes him feel better, less stressed, not depressed,helps him sleep, not anxious. I am so hurt and discouraged. Things were bad enough. He says this is a positive cause he's a better person. I am trying not to feel like a judgmental person, but I just can't seem to accept this. I told him I can't live like this. He says it's not something he's going to change. Says he's happy and I'm jealous cause I'm not. Says he has peace with God. I'm really at the end of wanting to stay.

Re: Pot pills Husband taking daily

Honey, you are still in the honeymoon phase of your marriage and he's not willing to stop taking a recreational (maybe illegal in your area) drug to save his marriage?

When it comes to drugs and drug abuse, some people believe as long as they hold a job and bring home a paycheck, there's no problem and it's no different than having 4 or 5 beers at night. That's some people, you obviously don't share that view point.

Please use birth control, you don't need to bring child into the mix.

You have been given a preview of what your life will be like with your husband. If you don't like it now, you won't like it later.

Sometimes life doesn't give us the "And They Lived Happily Ever After". and you have one of two options. Accept it for what it's worth and live with it. That means accepting him for who he is and be willing to overlook the things you don't like and keeping your mouth closed. Sometimes therapy helps. Or you can get out of the marriage with little damage done.

I think you already know what to do.

Re: Pot pills Husband taking daily

Patty: I have experience with this. My acquaintance who is a Nurse says pot makes some people irritable. It was recently legalized here and I have seen irritability when not high among three people. Someone I am close to has this going on. I live alone. It's hard to live with and if you don't want to live with a pot person who probably needs some other type of med. and/or counseling, get out of it sooner rather than later by consulting with a Lawyer and getting on with your life or seek marriage counseling if you have insurance to pay for it.