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Name Change after divorce

I was wondering about pros and cons of changing my last name after divorce.

Re: Name Change after divorce

Beth: I have been divorced since 2009. I kept my married last name because I have a daughter with him and because I didn't care for my maiden name which is the same name as a well known car company and a local sand/gravel/racing car business. Also, I didn't want to go through the hassle of changing it on my social security card/records, driver's license, credit cards, etc. I saw someone in court getting a name change when I was there. Where I live in MA you have to see a Lawyer and go to court to do that. Check the laws in your State.

Re: Name Change after divorce

I was married for 25 years and decided not to change my last name back to my maiden name. I had my married last name longer than my maiden name and it was a part of my identity. I was asked so many times if I was changing my name back and when I said no people assumed I wanted to keep a connection to my ex but it was not true at all. It is my last name and just because my marriage was over, I wasn't.

Re: Name Change after divorce

I was surprised when I found out this wasn't automatically part of the divorce but I was OK with it because I never even met my biological father & didn't care to go back to his name either. Someone did tell me they thought I was trying to keep a connection to him when I didn't want to run out & change it but, luckily I don't care what people think. I would however rather keep the same last name as my kids instead of going back to my father's last name that I've never met. If I do go through all the legalities of changing my last name, which I still might; I would change my last name to my grandma's maiden name. She meant a lot to me & I know I meant a lot to her & my physical features are a lot like my maternal 2nd cousins. (My grandma's brother's kids).