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Re: any one lonely join me

Hi, I'm recently divorce after thirty years of marriage to a great man for the first fifteen and turned into a lazy, maneuvering man for the last fifteen. I stayed out of loyalty, we were so happy once! But it wasn't worth it, he didnt appreciated me or anything I did for him and on top of all that I discovered his unfaithfulness last year, not one but at least three. That's the thing about computers, nothing is really erased.
He reacted very badly when I asked for a divorce after the last "adventure" denying everything even when I has proof in his phone and computer.
We sold our dream house and he tried to trick me into giving him all the money for him to divide considering our debts...those were not my debts, and I have paid for half of the house, but when we bought he had me sign a release, at the time I loved and trusted him and after that I forgot, it only came out when the real estate lady told me. To make it short , I stopped the sale auntil i got my half.
The thing is, I can't get him out of my head..he always there reminding me of one thing or another, plus I never got to tell him how much I knew of his affairs and that keeps roaming my mind.
Now, I'm sixty, and even though I'm not poor, I do need to work and finding jobs without a work history is not easy, the last time I worked was on 98.
I've been looking for support groups here in Sacramento and I haven't found the one I need, so I'm writing this just in case that anybody knows something that I don't and can give me ideas of how to survive after this disaster.

Re: any one lonely join me

hi my name is maria feeling sad and lonely just been informed of wanting a legal seperation after twenty years of marriage.