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Feeling lost after seperation

He was my first boyfriend and i married him we were together 6 years and i became very dependant on him and he wasnt treating me well then i discovered his cheating and i left to move in with my mom and she has enough on her hands already with my sister being pregnant for the third time and shes only twenty and i have a daughter myself. This is going to sound pathetic but i cant even drive because my anxiety and i let myself depend on him for so much im so lost im lookng for a job in walking distance from my moms and im thankfull to have an interview for tomorrow but im so devestated by this. I never will love again i just wont be able to let my walls down again if it werent for my daughter i would wish i never had. Im so happy to have her to help me through this im trying to be strong for her i hope i can make it through this

Re: Feeling lost after seperation

I ve been separated twice from my husband. The best thing you can do is grieve for a couple of days. Then spend time with your friends and do what you want to do. Try not to vent to much for your mother. They always will tell you that you dont need him and to move on and if you go back to him, it will hurt the relationship between them.

Re: Feeling lost after seperation

If I could tell one thing to women who are having to deal with what you're dealing with right now, its this...

Use this opportunity to become an independent, empowered woman. NEVER rely on a man for things you can do for yourself. Especially your financial well-being.

There is nothing more enlightening and empowering than to be able to take care of yourself and when a man doesn't treat you well, you can easily move on because you don't need a man to take care of you.

Being dependent on men puts them in the perfect position to treat you like crap because they no you have no options. Its also really hard to respect a woman who's a child-like dependent.

I know you're hurting but this is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn about how strong and clever you are and to show your daughter how a real woman handles adversity (and this won't be the last challenge you go through in your life). Show her how you can deal with this and come out of it stronger and better. Don't let him continue to victimize you by wallowing in misery.

You can do this...and you'll be so glad you did. Start making a plan to get educated, or skills training, and get back to work. You'll be so busy, you won't have time to think about the ex-dirtbag anyway.