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Re: Do you think my wife should think again about her decision to divorce?

I really do love my wife dearly, and will do anything to make things better...i really do think we will be throwing away a marriage then can be saved...but how do i show my wife that she may regret divorce in the future...

Re: Do you think my wife should think again about her decision to divorce?

By the way, my PIED issue has been resolved, i have been porn free for 2.5 months and have started to see normal male functioning.

Re: Do you think my wife should think again about her decision to divorce?

I know the struggle of porn induced ed. Not so much the ed part hehehe (my boner can't be caged) but more so the addiction and brain rewiring part. I don't believe she is making the right choice, but if I learned anything from my divorce it is that lawyers are into stealing your money. So if I could do it again I would have used some sort of online legal service like this goo.gl/NOZEpt to save money. All jokes aside, I am sincerely sorry to hear about your situation and hope things work themselves out. Much love and respect from the dirty south. PEACE

Re: Do you think my wife should think again about her decision to divorce?

Ricki: I have been divorced since 2009. My ex was later diagnosed with Asperger's. He had spent a lot of time at Hooters and Strip Clubs - even going back stage to meet the women (my neighbor who was divorced saw him there). I know this is not the same as porn, but women I talked to viewed this is a form of cheating - don't know if your wife viewed the porn as a form of cheating, but I am sure it made her feel less desirable to you and hurt (if the two of you enjoyed porn and watched it together to enhance your bedroom experiences, this would have been different). It seems like from what you wrote there were others things she was dissatisfied with, also. It seems like all your energy which should have been spent in the bedroom went into porn. Sorry this happened, but it is good you went for help. I've heard men get bored in terms of sex and maybe you chose porn to ease that. My current guy lived with his parents (now deceased) (I live alone) and that certainly killed off a lot of romance. His Dad would not even let us hold hands.

Re: Do you think my wife should think again about her decision to divorce?

Sounds like you fell out of love long time ago, if you have been watching porn for that long, sounds like your wife will do better on her own and you would do better with an adventurous more sexual partner but first working on your issues.