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Re: Deciding on a Divorce with Children

Think how your children feel. Parents divorced instantly. I used to be top student in my school. Now my chances of getting into Ivy League Colleges are blown. My future and dreams shattered because of you selfish adults who don't care about others. My mom thinks I should just deal with it, but how am I supposed to do that? You people will never ever truly understand the complexity of our feelings. All you care about is having your life "your way". Maybe should wake up from that selfish illusion and look at how your kids feel.

Re: Deciding on a Divorce with Children

Not sure of your specifics, but since you are under 18, many states allow your mom to sue your dad on your behalf so the judge will force him to pay for your college. Children of divorced parents can sock it to their dad in most states. And hey, he owes it to you. It's a continuation of alimony and child support, but it's for you. It's called post-secondary support - google the phrase and the laws in your state. This is a strong advantage kids of divorced parents have over kids with both their bio-parents still married. Generally, kids of in-tact marriages can't force dad to pay. Dad won't like it, but hey, you'll get to go to the ivy league.

Re: Deciding on a Divorce with Children

lol...so you want your parents to be miserable so you can get into an Ivy League school?

lmfao...seriously...talk about entitled and self-absorbed. Its all about you huh?

I am a divorced adult with a amazing career and guess what, I paid for my own school. I got a job and worked my way through and it was tough and made me who I am.

Your parents owe you nothing at your age and have every right to make decisions about what makes sense for their lives. If you don't like it, you sound like you're old enough to pretty much move out. So get a job and do that.

Your generation is soooo messed up.