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Church leader secret homosexual life style

Coming to grips with my soon to be ex-husbands multiple infidelities with men....I met this man at church but was greatly deceived by him. So broken and alone,it feels like the church has turned their back on me because he is a leader and I don't have family I can go to. I tried to leave once before but he told me he would kill himself and did not want that to happen. When i finally figured out he was gay it was a least two years after his HIV diagnoses (he told me he got it from his job) what a lie. It took him coming home with syphilis for me to connect that he was having unprotected sex with men even after he knew he was HIV positive.

Re: Church leader secret homosexual life style

So what do you want? His money? Assets? Revenge? Family law is designed to get that for women if that's what you want. Go see a lawyer and stick it to him.