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Proving common law marriage

I have been with a guy for almost 26 years. We were not married but we shared the same bed, house in both of our names (house is gone due to foreclosure back in 2010), filed bankruptcy jointly in 2006, filed taxes jointly (2006-2015), I bought him a wedding ring, publicly acknowledge we were married,etc. So he wants out of relationship so he wants divorce. Then claims he doesn5 owe me anything because we were just "intimate friends". Hires a lawyer & now I find out it will probably cost me $25000 to prove him wrong. Guess who is walking away with NOTHING? YUP. Me!!!! Congrats on this one. I'm 63 on disability & homeless! What a wonderful world.

Re: Proving common law marriage

Lost: Why can't they just look up and find no records of your never having been married where you lived or have them search the computer data base or come up with a letter for his Lawyer stating there are no records of a legal marriage? What does he want from a person on disability? What are the laws in your State regarding cohabitation (living together)? I would look up the laws in your State to see what they are - to see if you live in a "common law" State. Once his Lawyer sees you are on disability and if you are taken to court and there if there is no common law marriage in your State and you tell the Judge you were never legally married, the whole thing will be thrown out. Contact your local Bar Association or free low income services before the funds are cut by our President and/or your local women's services center. Call the public housing office and tell them you are disabled and will be a single female/head of household and they will put you on the list for housing. You will probably have priority since you are disabled.

Re: Proving common law marriage

Mens' paychecks should be garnished so you don't have to work. That's the law in most states.