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3 year old son wants absent father

My son has been the Apple of my eye since he was born, and I have always been "his favorite person".
His father (my ex husband) through us out when my son was 14 months old to make room in our home for his bachelor lifestyle. After 4 months of hoping we would become a family again I finally realised he didn't care about I anymore, going so far as to tell me if I ever talked to him again he would make me and our son's life "living hell". I filed for divorce. He never responded to anything the court sent him, I never showedup on our court dates. Once out divorce was finalized I moved out of state to be with my family, who he didn't allow me to see for the last 4 years. I even wasn't allowed to go to my mother's funeral.

Long store short today after two years of not seeing his father my son told me he wanted his daddy. And that he likes him more.. I was heart broken and *******

I'll never say this too my son but hiiii father doesn't care about him. He doesn't love him. And to save my son from heart break I wish he didnt love his father.... i fell a little jealous...I know my son lives me, but how to I deal with the whole "I want daddy" thing?

Re: 3 year old son wants absent father

Sounds like you need to put your ego aside and work at encouraging this child to have a relationship with his father. It should be a priority of any decent mother to do so. Children with relationships with both parents grow up psychologically healthier.

Re: 3 year old son wants absent father

HIs father doesn't want to see him! I'm not keeping him from seeing his father..."my ego" has nothing to do with it. The point of my post was what to do with a son who wants to see his father who doesnt want him...I just added how it made me feel to vent since I don't have anyone to talk to about this stuff.

Re: 3 year old son wants absent father

I think you missed her point. At this point your son sounds too young to explain how some parents do not want a relationship with their children. In a few years you need to sit him down and tell him that daddy did not want a family. Explain it is not your son's fault, and that his father may or may not decide to be apart of his life. If that day comes both you and your son should try to rebuild some sort of a relationship with the man. For now tell him that you do and dad are not together and that his father has chosen to do other things where he is. DO NOT LIE to your child, simply omit all the details that would be harmful. Your son probly wants his father because you are the one who is always there and implement discipline and structure. His dad is a mystery.

Re: 3 year old son wants absent father

Its very normal and healthy for children to identify and pine after the same sex parent. Its also normal for kids to want both parents in their life. Nothing unusual about it and, in doing it, he's not lessening your importance to his life at all...and you shouldn't take it that way.

Its really about what he needs...not about what you need or your ego.

My advice...find a good male role model for him if his father refuses to participate in his life. If you have someone in your family that would spend regular time with him, that would be great. A brother, a dad, an uncle....someone you trust that can show him what being a boy is all about.

If you don't have a family member, they have some really great mentoring programs in most places that can help single moms and their kids.

Your son is expressing a very normal need...instead of being threatened by it, be happy that your kid is a normal, healthy kid who's clearly telling you what he needs. I'd be a lot more worried about a kid that wasn't asking where the other parent was...that's abnormal.

Re: 3 year old son wants absent father

singlemommy: Sorry this happened. I would just tell him he wasn't ready to be a father and it's best you and he (your son and you) just make a life for yourselves.

Re: 3 year old son wants absent father

Wrong. What's best is for the child to have both parents.