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Spousal support calculations

Greeting All!

May be someone had similar issue.

I need to recalculate correct amount of spousal support in the past year. in 2015 to be exact.
The judge calculated alimony based on previous year incomes, but after tax return were done for 2015 I can see that his income was 20K more than it was predicted.
Means, even though he paid me alimony in 2015, based on his income tax return I should, be getting more.

So the question is:
My Gross income in tax return consist of my Employment income and His Spousal support already paid combined. What amount do I enter in calculator: just my employment income or the entire income: which includes alimony amount he already paid to me ?


Re: Spousal support calculations

A more important question is why are you still relying on him for financial support. Honey, it's time for you to earn your own way in this life.

Re: Spousal support calculations

I have to say that I agree with Linda.

Its so demeaning to have to leech off an ex for money.

Its so much more empowering to be self-reliant and not having to go beg for money from a guy that doesn't want to be near you anymore.

Re: Spousal support calculations

Notsure: I received alimony for several years because I was a stay-at-home mom for half the marriage (10 yrs.) and could only work part time, and had to take one year off due to injury which never completely healed, plus I could not work full-time again and was older when he left (then my Dad died and left me enough to pay the other bills and I was able to get off spousal support which I felt better about when I did). I suggest you ask a Lawyer this question or research the alimony laws in your State on line. Whenever there was a change in income (his income dropped at times due to job losses or he just wanted to drop me from getting the alimony even though it was tax deductible on his end) he would contact his Lawyer. You would have to prove you needed more income in order to receive more in most States, I believe. The alimony laws have changed in many States putting limits on alimony to help you just get back on your feet financially except in difficult circumstances such as advanced ages of spouse, employability of spouses and health status. Divorce Lawyers also handle things like taxes.