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Seeing a separated person while filing for divorce

My husband are filing for divorce. Have lived together but not married in the married way since 2007. He stays upstairs and me down downstairs.. I found out in 2016 that he has been involved with a woman and others since 2013. He quit his job in December 2016 and is still not working. I have met someone that I am interested in and have met for lunch a couple of times. The husband is refusing to sign papers because he does not have a job. My friends are giving me a hard time about the man I want to see. Saying the relationship will not be blessed and I should wait till divorce is final. I have put my life on hold for 10years to support my husband because he just quits when he does not like a job. I do not want to let a nice guy get away but friends say I should not see him any more. Husband continuing to be in contact with other women.
Any thoughts or suggestions. The main thing is most everything in my name cause he has bad credit but wants to keep everything.


Re: Seeing a separated person while filing for divorce

Reind: Talk to a Lawyer where you live about this.