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I need Advice about marriage

I wrote a paragraph few days ago. Anyway, I am needing advice to people that has experience like I have now. I signed a prenuptial agreement and recently my partner is asking me to sign NO ANNUITY income after he will retire. I have no financial Stability build up yet. But I'm working diff job 80-35 hrs a week from cleaning, cashier, caregiver since we got married. I didn't think that it will end up to this reality that I relied myself for him to live. I m seeking advices on what to do. Also is he really paying annuity if I don't sign the paper as what he said he will.

Re: I need Advice about marriage

You should NEVER rely on anyone else to live.

You are a grown woman and you shouldn't be relying on anyone else as a responsible adult.

Especially since you're with a man that's had multiple wives and it sounds like he chose you because you're a much younger foreigner who he thought he could control and manipulate...which is what men like that do.

Stop signing things that you don't understand. I wouldn't never sign any document unless I had some understanding of the implications of it. And he can't make you sign anything.

See a lawyer...this isn't something you should be asking for advice on an internet forum. You need professional assistance with this because there is no doubt that this guy has done this before and he's trying to intimidate you into doing something against your best interest.

You need to divorce him and start getting your life together without relying on a man who's clearly a giant, self-serving jackass.