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50/50 child custody

I have recently moved in with my boyfriend that lives 53 miles away and I have tons of questions I need to ask for those that have or going through this.
I recently commute to school with my children back to our home town on the days I have custody and our drop offs are at school. I usually stay in town until the children are done then pick them up and drive back home the 53 miles. And I guess my question is,is there easier way,or any ideas you have tried that would be helpful to me. Or even during the summer, how do you all work this out when there's no school...
And I need to say that, my ex husband and I do not get along...I know that doesn't help, but one tries and the other refuses makes things impossible...

Re: 50/50 child custody

I would suggest you move closer to your children.

Obviously, its not fair to them for you to disrupt their lives by attempting to relocate them because you have a new boyfriend...and their father is unlikely to agree anyway(and for good reason). So either you deal with commute or you move closer to your number one priority...which is your children.

Re: 50/50 child custody

Try talking to the lawyer and follow their advice. They are one who may give you the best legal advice and solution. The lawyer does not only work on cases but also provides counseling. The lawyer has experience of legal issues and can know the possible result of an action. You can try this out to read more about the lawyers.