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When do you call it quits?

April will be 4 years, my husband and my 14 y.o.son (his step son) do not get along. I have been living a prisoner in my own home for 6 years. We cannot even have a decent dinner together without a fight. I've tried, my husband does nothing to make this better. I am at my last resort. I think it's time....I am alone, sad and exhausted but afraid to leave. I've relocated my job here, my son starts high school next year, my dogs need a yard....what do I do??

Re: When do you call it quits?

Renee: You can either get family counseling, wait and ride it out until your son is grown up, see if he can live with your ex or consult with a Family Lawyer about divorce if you feel you feel you and your husband are not in love anymore. I don't know why you would be afraid to leave since you have a job - make a list of the pros and cons of leaving.

Re: When do you call it quits?

Girl, I am you and you are me! Going thru the exact same but with a daughter about to enter high school. Soooooooo how is it going?