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Physical Abuse

Hi, I have been married for 25 years. A few months ago my husband physically abused me. First time he has done it. He was drunk at the time. He has jealousy and control issues.

He is now seeing a psychologist and going to AA. He has quit drinking.

I'm conflicted on what I should do. I don't think he will ever do anything like that again. I never thought he would hit me. :-( I'm not mad at my husband but I don't think I will ever love him like I did.

I've been super depressed. Can't get out of bed most days. I am seeing a counselor tomorrow.

Has anyone else been in a situation where they have been physically abused and was able to stay married?


Re: Physical Abuse

Jenn: My ex had Asperger's Autism (which I didn't know when I met him, long story) and he made a special trip to the bowling alley where I was with our daughter in his own car to start a brief argument about our daughter and shoved me in public. I told him if he couldn't be nice then to go home. My neighbor who had worked with challenged people also told me he was capable of violence years later. We stayed married for about 15 years after that, when he began drinking and put me down in drunken conversations with our daughter (who was 18 at the time), (his father was an alcoholic and his sister began drinking a bit sometime after that) then he left after 21 yrs. of marriage and had told a neighbor years before he would leave if he wasn't happy when our daughter went off to college (I did not know this until I told my neighbor he filed) so that it my experience. I feel I probably should have left years before, but I did not have family support.