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I keep telling I hate my husband but it's more like I hate his actions and everything's about him. I think it's dislike because true hate takes too much effort. My husband is making the divorce really hard. First off we both wanted the house I give in and say he can have it then some time later he decides no let's sell. So I do all the work and effort to get the house ready for sale and then we have an offer for the house he accepts. Then the buyers want to pay a little less do to the house needing new windows and now he won't sign and says he wants the house. What the heck tried to get a court order but the judge won't make a decision these poor people sold there house in anticipation of buying our house I feel so bad for them. My realtor keeps asking what can be done but I have no clue. I don't want to lose the sale but I think these people need to jump ship and get a different house.

My ex is acting all whiny but he lives with his parents now who live on a Lake so he has it easy. He says he wants so he can do all the work that needs to be done and start a remodeling company. This from a man who didn't have a job for over a year and never worked on any of the projects because he was too drunk to do so or not steady enough on his feet to do so because of his drinking.

My husband is an alcoholic and I don't trust him to take care of the house or to pay the bills. His parents are out of state and due to his alcohol he is on probation which he moved to where his parents live so he can't even come into the state without permission legally he is not supposed to drink but I know for a fact he has. If he ends up in that house he will go back to all of his old habits of drinking and who knows who he will let into the house since one of the many reasons for the divorce was him saying he could have anyone he wanted to in our house and I didn't want anyone there I didn't know because I didn't want any of his bar friends there.

I just wish the system wasn't rigged against the responsible party. My husband is such a jerk.

Re: Frustrated

Susan: I'm sorry for what you have gone through and for what the potential buyers of the house have gone through. Decisions like what to do with a house are generally made with Lawyers involved (his and hers). My Lawyer told me the marital home generally gets sold. What is more puzzling to me is why the Judge won't make a decision. Is there a written divorce agreement regarding who gets what? Do either of you have a Lawyer? Your husband sounds unstable and seems mostly interested in how much money he can make on the sale of the house so he can live off of it/drink it away.