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narc dad with beginning stages of dementia and effects on older teens?

My 20 year old sons narc dad (51), seems to have the beginning stages of dementia (familia - his mother and her mother). He is showing up at my sons place of employment at a outlet mall...because he is not satisfied with my sons lack of communicating with him...because he has alienated his own sons (16 year old too).

I don't know what to tell my 20 year old....he wonders if he has to get a restraining order, or just vanish across country. Narc dad has been told to not go to sons jobs, by his son, and by me (mom that he lives with)...

He keeps getting worse..

Its like he cant help himself, doesn't remember why things are as bad as they are between his sons and himself...and just keeps forcing himself via text, VM, email, and showing up at my sons job....

I hate seeing what it is doing to my son....

Can anyone relate, or advise what to do?