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Re: no trust life alone until death

All I could think about the last 10 years of my 1st marriage was how amazing it would be to be single. I dreamed and fantasized about it. I hated every single minute of being married to the ex-husband...it was a nightmare. So after divorce, I concentrated on my career...getting my savings and retirement accounts back to where I wanted them to be...and raising my children. I didn't really care about men...and, of course, because I wasn't looking...the perfect guy came along.

I've now been remarried for a number of years and its amazing. I am just absolutely in love. My husband is the kindest, most hardworking person I've ever met and he's my best friend. He's a wonderful substitute dad for my kids and I love his kids too.

I think you should take care of you. Make sure you're completely self-sufficient and that you don't need a man for anything. Relax, have fun, take care of your life. And if the right guy comes along...great...if not, you can be very happy single.

As far as statistics goes, I'm not one....neither are you. You know what you know when you know it. And if you meet the perfect guy...believe me, you'll know and be able to make decisions then. Until then, relax and enjoy yourself. You can be extremely happy without a man...and there's nothing more amazing than a self-sufficient woman.

Re: no trust life alone until death

Normal Woman,
I'm soooo happy that you found the person for you after your first marriage didn't work out. I have been divorced for two years and feel it's so important for me to work on myself. I feel the same as you about being self sufficient. It is my hope that I have a loving relationship in the future but for now I am in the building stage of my life, I'm building myself as an independent woman. Thanks for your advice to the other person because it helped me too.