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Re: New Job & Alimony

Women deserve alimony. We get paid 60% as much as men and do all the work while they sit around watching football all day. Most women get alimony and child support, so why would you leave money on the table? Yes, wait.

Re: New Job & Alimony

I work in a male oriented career and get paid more than most men do. Women are perfectly capable of supporting themselves but those without any pride or sense of dignity instead leech off of men rather than act like grown ups and support themselves.

And my husband never watches football...maybe you pick lazy men, which is frankly your own fault. Both my ex husband and current husband work hard...and the LEAST I could do as a responsible adult woman is to do my fair share with the financial burden.

Your mindset is poisonous and its the reason that judges are now severely limiting and terming alimony. It disturbs me sometimes how predatory some of my gender are. I was raised to be a decent, good human being...and its scary how many women haven't learned simple decency and self-reliance. Alimony should exist for women that truly can't support themselves due to age or illness...and women like you are ruining those poor women's chances with your greed.

If this poster waits...I sincerely hope her ex-husband drags her back to court and gets the retroactive imputed wage + his legal fees. That would be karma.

Amazing how immoral and greedy some people are...truly sick.