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My husband is an alcoholic

When we first got together, it never occurred to me that he was an alcoholic. It never appeared in my mind until he ended up in the hospital almost dying from necrotizing pancreatitis. 2 weeks I was in the hospital by his side trying to help him through it. It was absolute hell but I was already hooked and believed I could change him. He didn't want to change. He refused AA meetings and rehab. By the time he was fully detoxed and better from the disease, I ended up pregnant. He made me believe that he was going to change and we should get married. I didn't want to but he convinced me. After getting married, He wouldn't be able to leave the house without reeking like alcohol. He would pass out on the couch or bed and I would be crying I'm so upset. Sometimes he would leave for days and not contact me at all. At this time I was pregnant and scared I would find him dead or get a call that he died. When I was getting pains in the lower abdomen, he was drunk and telling me I was overreacting. I went to the ER and it was nothing but round ligament pain. He was a jerk the entire time. When I thought I was having contractions, we had a fight and he left for his usual few days. I called my sister and told her my symptoms. She rushed over and as she arrived, my husband came home drunk as a skunk. He fought me on going to the ER once again. My sister ended up taking me and it was just Braxton hicks. After my son was born, things went a little well for a little while but then he started drinking again. When our son was a month old, we found out he had a protein milk allergy. That is why he was unbearable. Well we were having family issues and he decided he was going to leave that day only telling me he was going to get a new tire for his car. When I tested him asking him what time he was coming home, he responded saying we needed time apart. For two days, I had to deal with a month old policy baby. He would not respond to my texts or phone calls. I was devastated and frustrated and emotionally drained. After two days, I told my family he left and they demanded that I stay with them. I packed as much as I could carry along with my son and drove over there. My husband didn't come visit his son for two weeks. He abandoned us to go party with his friends and he doesn't believe he did. He thinks he did nothing wrong. We are now going through a divorce. I am so scared he will get parenting time. He cannot stop drinking and I'm terrified of him passing out while having our son and something happening to our son. He needs help but won't get it.

Re: My husband is an alcoholic

Jocelyn: A person who cannot take care of themselves cannot take care of a baby - no unsupervised visits, either. If he insists on trying to take the baby someplace, call the police. I am sure your family does not want him taking the baby, either. I hope that your family can put their money together and help you find a Family Lawyer who handles divorce. A person like this will not get parenting time until he is sober for a long while.

Re: My husband is an alcoholic

Thank you. That reassures me a little.

Re: My husband is an alcoholic

My dad says that I have such a strong case that I may not even need a lawyer. We are separated so my son is with me all the time. If he wants to see him, I am there at all times. His parents are enablers so I don't trust them around him either. They are the ones giving my husband an endless supply of money for whatever he pleases. He buys alcohol with those cards and they don't question him or take away the cards. They know he is an alcoholic and they still give him money. It's so frustrating.