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Re: His side breaking all the rules

Hire a lawyer. It will pay dividends. Borrow the money if you have to, but after the case is settled, you'll easily be able to pay it back. I don't know your particular story, but laws favor us in divorce. Women just have to ask a judge for what they want, and they typically give it to us. And if there are kids under 18 involved or in college, that will just add to your award. Go after the house, at least half the other assets, his retirement, spousal support, primary custody, and child support. Make sure you get a domestic violence charge against him with pictures - you might have to start a fight to incite him. It's a winner take all system and the keys to winning are primary custody of any kids and the DV charge. Combine your award with TANF and food stamps, and you won't have to work.

Re: His side breaking all the rules

Food stamps are for people in poverty who have no other means to feed themselves. Not for greedy, immoral people.

And anyone who falsely claims domestic violence against a man who didn't commit such a crime should be put in jail. Its a crime against men...and its a crime against women who've legitimately suffered through domestic violence.

The level of absolute disgust I have for your post is beyond imagining. How do you look at yourself in the mirror? Do you have no sense of dignity or human decency? Revolting individual.

Re: His side breaking all the rules

NormalWoman has it right. It's so wrong when I see women like you abusing a system put in place to protect women from men. Tricks like that happen so often and I see it so much when I'm in family court that it's beginning to make me question my own moral choices. Men really are disgusting and deserve everything judges throw at them, but women are supposed to take the moral high ground and shouldn't be taking advantage of these situations.

Re: His side breaking all the rules

Thank you Patty. Immoral, greedy women like the poster in mention are the reason why so many judges aren't believing women who've truly suffered through domestic violence. And they're the reason why judges are severely limiting and terming alimony for women who truly need it to live.

Women like that are traitors against their own gender. Real women are better than that.