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property purchased after separation

Below is a Bill 14- 2014 Justice Statutes Amendment Act,2014.My question is My sis and I bought a condo 2yrs after i have been separated from my ex. i reside on the condo with my 2 kids and my sis and then 1 1/2 yr later we sold it and use the money for a house downpayment. i am in the middle of my divorce now and my ex is sueing me half of my share of the house? Is this possible? pls note that my ex was living in a different apartment with his new woman at that time.and never put a dime in the condo that my sis and i bought. I would really appreciate your input what (bill 14 -2014 Justice Statutes Amendment Act 2014) means.

I really need some understanding what bill 14 mean

12 Section 84 is amended

(a) by repealing subsection (1) and substituting the following:
(1) Subject to section 85 [excluded property], family property is all real property and personal property as follows:
(a) on the date the spouses separate,
(i) property that is owned by at least one spouse, or
(ii) a beneficial interest of at least one spouse in property;

(b) after separation,
(i) property acquired by at least one spouse if the property is derived from property referred to in paragraph (a) (i) or from a beneficial interest referred to in paragraph (a) (ii), or from the disposition of either, or
(ii) a beneficial interest acquired by at least one spouse in property if the beneficial interest is derived from property referred to in paragraph (a) (i) or from a beneficial interest referred to in paragraph (a) (ii), or from the disposition of either. , and
(b) by adding the following subsection:
(2.1) For the purposes of subsection (2) (g), any increase in value of a beneficial interest in property held in a discretionary trust does not include the value of any property received from the trust.

Re: property purchased after separation

Melodie: Speak with a Divorce or Real Estate Attorney about this.

Re: property purchased after separation

Hi Melodie:

No, he's not eligible for any proceeds of that house because it sounds like you had an established separation date and he never lived in that home so it isn't marital property.

He's just being a jerk and he won't be successful in taking your money. Separation dates establish the effective date for ending of co-assets.