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Re: What will I get in this divorce

With the DV, child, and child abuse, you stand to do well. Depending on your State's laws, you'll generally get half of whatever he owns. Don't forget any retirement he has, you'll get that too. Gather paperwork before you move out to document his assets. Avoid working because the judge will just use that to lower your settlement. You want to make it seem like you have to be a stay at home mom and can't work so you can care for your child since she's been abused by his mother. This will boost both your child support and spousal support. And then make sure he pays for the medical insurance since he has the job. Then look into welfare, food stamps and social security disability for both you and your daughter. These are some of the common ways mothers avoid working when they have an abusive ex husband with a job.

Re: What will I get in this divorce

First of all, what state are you in and did you live together during marriage? That may matter due to the rules of common-law in your state. That may help with the marital home and potential very termed alimony...although it will be a tough hill to climb due to the length of your marriage.

Otherwise, if you haven't been married for long, you're eligible for the split of the marital home and child support depending on how the custody arrangement works out. If you're able bodied, be prepared for him to try to impute an income to you...especially if you've worked in the past.

I wouldn't listen to anything Linda says. She's into trying to leech of anything she can rather than being a responsible, contributing member of society. You don't have an abuse situation...at least no more so than any divorcing woman. You're just in a bad relationship. You have to actually prove abuse (police reports) and if you walk into a court room and make false allegations, judges are getting fed up with that and you'll lose credibility which is never a good thing in a divorce settlement.

You should now be looking into legal aid and trying to figure out how to reach a fair custody arrangement with him. But the reality is that you need to find a job. Its just unrealistic for you to expect much alimony given the specifics of your relationship. Judges are severely terming and limiting alimony because frankly, they expect adults to be self-sufficient...so I'd start moving in that direction. Moms work all the time and in doing so, you'll start to feel better about who you are and what you're capable of.

I can tell you that I've raised two kids and worked and its wonderful to be self-reliant and not have to worry about money or depend on a man to have it.

Teaches your kids a work ethic rather than being a greedy leech is one of the best gifts you can give them in life. Best wishes!