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My ex had sex with his wife in front of my teenage sons. Is that grounds for.....

My ex husband took my sons for a trip to the beach and stayed in a hotel room. He got so drunk on the first night that my sons and his wife had to drag him back to the hotel room. Once they got back to the room he proceeded to have sex with his wife while my sons were in the same room. Is that grounds you think to get a change to the parenting plan?

Re: My ex had sex with his wife in front of my teenage sons. Is that grounds for.....

I am sure in most states that is actually considered a form of abuse. I knew someone years ago that co slept with her toddler and had sex with her husband in the same bed while the child slept and they considered that abusive to the child. If you are going to move forward with trying to change a parenting plan or filing documents with the court I wouldn't wait to long after the initial happening. Courts might wonder why you waited so long to proceed if you linger too long in doing so.