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How to support friend in court??

Hi Ladies,

My friend asked me and one other person to come as galley support in divorce court, all day this Monday.

She did not want the divorce, which is ending a 20 year marriage and 3 year turbulent separation. She is very stressed.

What should I say or not say? Do or not do? What shoulf I have in my purse to offer on breaks? (water, chocolate, tissues??) What do you wish someone had done for you??

Thanks for any suggestions!!

Re: How to support friend in court??

Lucy: I imagine just you being there is good. I would bring the tissues and the water. I have already been through a divorce after a 21 year marriage, but it was for the best. I was just me there with my Lawyer and his Lawyer, the Judge and others involved in their own issues - was like being in church. My ex had moved.