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Cant get a full time job till he agrees on childcare.

Hi everyone, my separation has been a battle for custody with my son. After going through court and him trying to claim I'm an unfit mother he finally agreed to 50/50 final family orders. This is already causing an issue. The orders were done rushed out the front of court and only stated wed-fri childcare. For me to get a full time job I need childcare mon-fri for my weeks. As everyone knows, childcares wont allow you to confirm week on/week off arrangements ongoing and he is refusing to move him to a childcare full time for his week. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place and about to be offered a fulltime job tomorrow with no way of getting my son care mon and tues. What have others done in the past, I feel court is the only option for me to seek employment. I live in a small town so jobs are very rare, this is really stressful. Help please. Does anyone know of on/off childcare arrangements?

Re: Cant get a full time job till he agrees on childcare.

Laura: See if you can find either another parent who is home with their kids or a babysitter (this is what my friends did). I would also recommend speaking with a Family Lawyer about this. It makes me wonder what he is doing, if he is working or not, perhaps a different type of shift. You would think he would be glad you have been offered full time work so you can help support yourself and your child.