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I have full physical custody and ex is syaing he is going to file for joint

I won full physical custody back in October and ex was awarded visitation. one week in winter and 2 weeks in summer. He left his visitation early last yr because he said he had to go back to maryland(I live in California and he lives in Maryland). He also cancelled winter 2016 visitation. He is telling me 3 weeks out of the year is not enough. How can it not be enough when hes missed his visitation to begin with? How can it not be enough when he said it was too hard and would drop my son off way before designated time? y son also has health problems. My son will be 2 next month and he is telling me he wants my son to fly to Maryland 50%of the year or live with me 1 year and live with him one year. How likely is this? I cannot fathom him being able to care care of my son and fear how my son would be.

Re: I have full physical custody and ex is syaing he is going to file for joint

Mom of 1: It sounds like your ex likes the idea of visitation long term but cannot handle it. This needs to go back to court. Contact your Attorney if you had one or speak with a Family Lawyer in your area. It may be he is trying to get out of paying child support for a year if he's paying it by trying to take him for a year, also, once your son is older and is school aged, this one year here and one year there of visitation would be very disruptive. Tell an Attorney the same as what you have written here.