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No clue where to go from here.

I have a unique situation. Ex and I legally seperated in 2006. Both now live in different states and neither is the state the legal seperation was filed in. One child has aged out, still one minor child in common. all assets have been divied up and are long gone. Minor child has lived with me full time since 2010. Ex has seen her once during that time. He paid child support that was not court ordered for a total of two years. 375 dollars a month for both children. He has been fired from several jobs and states he doesn't have the money for child support. I was ordered by the court back in 2006 to pay 40.00 a month in support to him. tech we have joint custody. I did not pay him a cent from March 2006 to August 2008 because we still lived under the same roof and both salaries were used for mortgage, bills, food etc. In September 2008 I moved out and paid him 250.00 a month for the next two years. Until Sept 2010 when he got fired from both jobs he was working, got his 3rd DUI and moved to another state. I just want him gone from my life. My children are old enough to make their own decision about having him in theirs. I can't afford a lawyer, make too much money for pro bono and can't file to have the seperation turned into a decree of divorce from my current state. I did have a lawyer in the state the case was filed in and was given the advice to file here once I gained residency but that turned out to not be the case so now I am stuck. I don't know what to do at this point. I have tried contacting several lawyers but after hearing my history and dilema they do not want to touch me with a ten foot pole. Everytime I bring up the mention of finalizing he starts being his usual manipulating self.

Re: No clue where to go from here.

J: I would go to your local courthouse and tell them you want to file for divorce and let them know how long you have lived there. See if there are any women's services centers in your area to help you with legal issues. I would not depend on him for child support for your minor child since his life is a mess.