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Divorce- mortgage - deed

Virginia Court awarded me house. mortgage his name. deed in both our names. I went to refinance house to find out after I was awarded house. he took out 2nd mortgage which stops me from putting it in my name and taking it over. the question is where do I go from here so I will end up with the house and not having to sell it. since deed is in my name could I end up with the house and take his name off deed so he will be stuck with the mortgage and I end up with the house and I wont lose the house for any reason example he don't pay mortgage.

Re: Divorce- mortgage - deed

Unknown: I also got the house in our divorce. The Lawyer had it put in my name. The Lawyer said I was lucky the house wasn't ordered sold. I think you should speak with a Lawyer about your situation.

Re: Divorce- mortgage - deed

what did lawyer do to get it into just your name with mortgage on house? the only complication during this divorce is he took out a 2nd mortgage on house that prevents me from transferring it to my name. I already in court and lawyer involved but was looking for anything that might of helped others. to get the house.