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Child support page due and behind by over $50000.00

When I got divorced 5 years ago my ex husband was ordered to pay $1200.00 in child support. He got married two days after the divorce was finalized and has never really paid the full amount of child support ordered.
He got in a lot of trouble with his new wife, and my children very young at the time saw everything. They were never supervised and CPS and DHS and the police were involved. I had to bail him out of jail multiple times,
He claimed he didn't do any of the things gs he was accused of, and some of it was true, however he is a compulsive lier and a cheat. He fell behind with child support by over $12000.00. He was then again arrested because she claimed child abuse, in the time I was married to him he never hurt my boys so I stood up for him in regards to that. I had given him furniture and a TV, and lots of expensive tools, this was after he got married. After thousands dollars in bail coming out of my income and him owing me more than $12000.00, I (dumb fool) let him move into a room in my house so he can get back on his feet, and get caught up on child support payments. I helped him fix his credit and he never watched the kids when I had to work, so I still had to pay for childcare out of my own small income. He was in every way simply another roommate. I again gave him furniture, and he spent all his income on toys for himself, expensive RC trucks and boats. Music equipment, enough to start a club, and still he only paid $250 a month in child support. 3 times in the 3 and a half years he lived in my basement did he help pay the utilities. I was planning on buying the house I was renting, and since he wasn't paying the $12000 back child support back, I told him he could work it off by doing repairs. Only I got married last year and he said he wanted to buy the house instead. Meaning all the repairs he made to pay off the back child support was done on his own property. He said he couldn't afford new furniture, and that he wanted to buy my furniture, Tvs everything. I gave him a flat price of everything even though it was valued over $15000 and all brand new. My office was still at that house, since he said it was fine to leave that office equipment and my other important things there since my new husband's home has no storage.

We were good friends, all three if us and the kids were happy we all got along. My ex husband was seeing the kids more often than any time in their lives before. But he still only paid $650 a month out of the 1200 ordered. He said he could not afford more. He said he wanted things to remain civil, and friendly for the kids sake, and he wanted to buy the house so that the boys can still go visit and have their own rooms and toys.

He bought the house in February, all with my help to get all the documents needed. And fool that I am trusted him to pay me for my belongings, and safely move the remains things into the storage unit I got for his things originally. Which he also failed to pay, and I had to get caught up on last month. He also have not been paying the cellphone bill, meaning I'll lose my number, which is also my business number.

I allowed him to claim one of the boys for taxes so that he could get a return this year, he said he was going to use that to pay the remaining $4450 for the furniture. Only I noticed a weird pattern on his bank account that is joint for the sake of child support payments, because of payment issues in the past. The bank account went overdrawn and he withdrew his entire paycheck the moment it came in. At this point red flags were popping up everywhere, history was repeating itself again. He had requested that the child support be lowered so that his debt to income ratio would qualify him for the home loan, I agreed and it was changed with the court to $700. Only he still was not paying the full amount, and I found out he did not disclose all of his income to the court. He is supposed to pay $1548 per month since his income is over $7500 month. We are both disabled veterans, but I cannot work anymore and I'm home with the kids.

He rented the house out last month shortly after telling me I had till June to move my office furniture and other personal belongings including the boys things, because he is getting married again. 2 days after telling me this he notifies me that he is not going to pay for the furniture, and that he rented the house out, with ALL my stuff still there. With strangers. Property valued over $30000.and he won't let me go get it, or pay for someone to go get it. He also has not paid child support for this month yet, and he keeps saying he wants to be civil. And all I said was pay what is owed to me. And he says he cannot afford it? In the last month he brought in over $15000 but I have to suffer. And he has made no effort to see the boys, yet when they ask to see him he just says he will talk to their mother, only he never contacts me. I don't know what to do anymore... He does not want to be their father, and frankly I don't want a compulsive lier in their lives, nor put them through the same drama they went through the last time he got married and forgot he had children of his own.

He only has 52 nights a year, due to his violent past, and I feel I am acting in the boys best interest by not forcing them to go there. See he moved into this woman's apartment, and she already has 3 other kids, the house had room for all of them and the boys, now they have to sleep on the couch or floor when they do go visit, and their toys and video games were given to this other woman's children. How is that fair to my little boys?

Re: Child support page due and behind by over $50000.00

Lanae: Sorry about this. I hope you are not going to give him anything more. If he wants to see his kids in the future, I think it should be at a visitation center because of his past. My ex also was paying for our cell phone bill (we had a family plan for a long time). Our daughter got onto her husband's plan after marriage and I had to get off his plan since he owed over $200 despite a good income. Where I live they take the child support electronically out of the person's check and send it to the spouse's account. I would see if something like that is available in your State. Find out if he wants to give up his parental rights to the kids if he continues to not want to see them and you could go for full custody if you want and don't have that now.

Re: Child support page due and behind by over $50000.00

He should be in prison and he should pay to support you so you can raise the kids and not have to work. And the children should never be allowed to see him. Men are only useful for one thing - their paycheck. Get a lawyer and go after him and his girlfriend - you will recoup the cost of the lawyer plus gain year's of support since family law and courts are there to benefit mothers.