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Re: Child support page due and behind by over $50000.00

Lanae: Sorry about this. I hope you are not going to give him anything more. If he wants to see his kids in the future, I think it should be at a visitation center because of his past. My ex also was paying for our cell phone bill (we had a family plan for a long time). Our daughter got onto her husband's plan after marriage and I had to get off his plan since he owed over $200 despite a good income. Where I live they take the child support electronically out of the person's check and send it to the spouse's account. I would see if something like that is available in your State. Find out if he wants to give up his parental rights to the kids if he continues to not want to see them and you could go for full custody if you want and don't have that now.

Re: Child support page due and behind by over $50000.00

He should be in prison and he should pay to support you so you can raise the kids and not have to work. And the children should never be allowed to see him. Men are only useful for one thing - their paycheck. Get a lawyer and go after him and his girlfriend - you will recoup the cost of the lawyer plus gain year's of support since family law and courts are there to benefit mothers.