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no Funds to live on

My attorney does noting but negotiate with husbands lawyer to get me funds to live on. It's been 4 months and she has been unable to get me any funds at all telling me to get more credit cards to live on. Not to pay current cards (which I have no money to do anyways) . There is plenty of funds per month which my husband is spending like crazy..I am out of money ..no food, no gas for my car. I have now contacted her for the 4th time to get me some money to live on and still negotiating. What can I do..going to take a title loan from my car soon if she doesn't do anything. I saw her and filed Nov 7, 2016 (6months and she knew I was not being given appropriate funds then and all moneys have stopped since December 15th. Do I need to get rid of her and how do I do that?

Re: no Funds to live on

Doesn't sound like you have a job, or at least have no job that can support your current bills and lifestyle. Good - don't get one because to the judge that would send the message that you could earn your own money. It will be tough in the short term, but eventually, the court will make your ex husband support you out of his paycheck. He should be the one who works, not you. You want the court to get the sense that you have no other source of support, so they need to award you a large alimony settlement. If you charge him with domestic violence - that will help too. Any children? They are another good source of income from your ex that you can use. Then look into TANF and WIC state money. Can you get a doctor to declare you disabled? That's good for social security. And don't get married because that will drop your alimony and child support. A boyfriend is fine since they pay for lots of stuff, but are legal strangers to the court and the court won't use a boyfriend's income to offset an ex husband's alimony and child support. Hang in there - the system is designed to divert men's money to their ex-wives - it just takes patience.

Re: no Funds to live on

Unfortunately, getting rid of your lawyer won't help.

Its pretty standard that any agreement is going to take time. The court process isn't quick and you do need to find a way to bridge the gap between when the process starts and when you get a temp order in place.

Are you working? If not, you need to start looking for employment because even when you do get an order in place, its likely to be termed...which is what most courts are doing these days. You'll definitely be eligible for any split in your assets though so make sure you have good records of what you had upon separation.

Re: no Funds to live on

gerilynn: I agree with normalwoman. In most States alimony is limited to just helping you get back on your feet financially unless you are disabled/older/long term marriage as a housewife. I am injured and was only working part time and it took nine months of negotiations/stalling for me to get any alimony. It's better not to depend on the ex's for much. They often do not want to help. I was taken back to court every other year and he was trying to reduce/eliminate the alimony. Get what you need to survive for now. Visit your local Food Pantry and/or get food stamps. See if there is a women's services center that can help you. You will have to put gas on a credit card or go on welfare. It may be your ex is spending a lot of money right now in the hopes he will get out of paying alimony. We were under court order not to do this. Some of the posters have gotten emergency alimony.