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Re: He says he went to a lawyer, but I don't know if it's a lie.

But would a lawyer tell him to go do that as a first step? No papers served, nothing filed. Just told him to go take money. Plus he didn't remove himself from the joint account. So he has half of the money and total access to my half as well. Which does not seem right at all.

Re: He says he went to a lawyer, but I don't know if it's a lie.

No, it doesn't sound like something a lawyer would tell him. Asset splits are done based on financial statements. Its highly unlikely a lawyer would advise a litigant to remove money. They might advise them to shut down joint accounts and monitor credit during a divorce...that stuff is pretty standard.

The question I'd be asking if I were you is what difference does it make if he's lying or not? It isn't about what he's doing...its about what you're going to do. No way I'd stay with someone who would remove assets from joint accounts and basically threaten me. You should be seeing your own lawyer. If he isn't divorcing you right at this moment...how long do you think its gonna be?

Protect yourself....see a lawyer.