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I want to have sex with him one more time for closure

Well, like the title says, I want to have sex with my ex one more time. I really feel it will help us both find closure. We were high school sweethearts and have two children together. I'm the one that ended the marriage. And it's for the best for the both if us. If we still love each other and will always be best friends. Has anyone ever has closure sex? Was it a good thing or a mistake?

Re: I want to have sex with him one more time for closure

i divorced my husband but we still have sex when he brings child support money on saturday

Re: I want to have sex with him one more time for closure

Glad I’m not the only one!!

Re: I want to have sex with him one more time for closure

Glad I’m not the only one who gets a little now and again from my ex.