Womans Divorce Forum

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To give a little background, I was married for about two years with my soon-to-be-ex. He was active duty and we were stationed in Washington. We already had a child and were expecting another one. Our relationship shouldn't have even gotten to where it was to be honest, but some people make mistakes, and we just learn from them right? Anyways, About a month after our second child was born he had basically kicked me out "( Gave me a date to get out by and gave no remorse ) I had already had purchased plane tickets to fly back home in December and he wanted me out by the beginning of October. Fast forward to now, about two years later, he moved back home (joined National Guard) and lives about 5 minutes down the road from me. He got a girlfriend soon after he moved back, which I am fine with, it's his life, what do I care? But there has been MANY incidents since then that is now causing my children to be hurt by their own father. Since this past September he has completely stopped paying child support, stopped seeing them as frequently ( they have seen him a total of 10 days since September), he doesn't ask how they are doing, he doesn't seem to wonder about their well being, stopped paying for their insurance, and is now bringing another baby into this world. . . I could care less that he is having another child, that is not my concern..my concern is if he is even "Allowed" to have a child with another female if he is still technically married? We have been separated for some time now so I wasn't sure if that effects anything? I do have a document that he signed and dated stating the he gives me blank amount a month. I don't know, I am just not sure if anyone else has ever been in this situation before.Thanks in advance!!

Oh, I do reside in Illinois... I also have been seeing someone as well which we are both aware of each others parties.

Re: Divorce

Hire a lawyer and take him to court. You can live off a good percentage of his paycheck for support and won't have to work. The judges almost always give women a generous settlement to women/moms. And don't marry the boyfriend - but it's a bonus that you have a BF. He can pay for things that you don't need to. If you marry the BF, they'll reduce your alimony. You are in a sweet position. You'll make many times what the lawyer costs.

Re: Divorce

You should get a Family Lawyer. They are best where children are concerned.