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Re: Married to a Narcassist

Haha wow, I was kind of surprised at her response so thank you for clarifying all that to me.
I did have to call 911 once but did not file charges since the police came before he hit me. He has been emotionally abusive but I am strong and will not let that get to me! :)
I have collected all the finances as of today since I am seeing a free law clinic today at the local library and all the forms are filled out.
I do have to wait to file though. My husband with his attitude that it is his way or no way was fired 3 weeks ago! I won't file until he finds a job since I refuse to pay him support when I need every penny I will have on my own if that makes sense and does not seem too selfish. I will wait for him to get a job then a month later I will file so I know he is financially stable and that will give me some more time to get financially on my feet too
I just wonder why people change do drastically over the year or why people like me did not see what I see now about him. Makes me sad to close this chapter of my life but I am trying to see it as my past and an opening to my new future!!
Thanks again!

Re: Married to a Narcassist

Waiting to file til he has a job - way to play the system for more money! Good work. But it's a statistical anomaly when women pay men support. Not likely something to be concerned about, especially since it sounds like you don't work. Much more likely is his income will be imputed regardless of his current employment status and the judge will make him pay you.

Re: Married to a Narcassist

There is nothing at all selfish about expecting adults to be self-respecting grown-ups and support themselves financially.

If he is able-bodied and capable of working, he's also subject to having an income imputed to him...which is pretty common.

You're smart to wait to file and you should absolutely protect the assets that you've earned from an undignified leech.

And I agree, divorce can be a wonderful new beginning...getting divorced was the best thing I ever did. Life just keeps getting better and better and I wish the same thing for you.

Best wishes!!!