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Re: In the process of a divorce

Hello Brandi,
Thank you for your kind words. I do know what you mean about giving up things for the marriage. Congratulations on your degree! That is great news!!! I do agree with you that for a lot of women they are able to do things that they never did while they were married and this can be liberating for them. My situation was a little different. I was able to finish school while I was married. My husband told me when he met his new girlfriend, " I don't want to be married to a professional. I want to be with low lifes." How do you respond to that? My husband never cared what I did so I was able to go with my friends and do what I wanted so that has not changed. We never did anything as a couple and I was basically ignored. I guess I am in a different place with wanting to have a real relationship with someone who wants to spend time with me. It would be nice to have someone to go out to dinner with and spend time with. I got married when I was 21 also. We never even took a vacation in all of that time. My husband would not even attend my graduation ceremony when I received my Masters Degree so I did not attend the ceremony. I do not have any friends who are not married or in a relationship either. I find it interesting that people want to set you up on dates. I live in a small community and no one I know would ever even consider doing that for me. I will try to remember what you said about things to look forward to!!! I am glad you are able to have a favorite thing about being divorced. I am not in that place at this time. I find it interesting being able to talk to all of you on this site. I know what you mean about being thrown out. I was also and no one seems to understand that when I say that. Thank you for your help.