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Separated....Problem with one of the kids...

Hi everyone:
My husband had an affair two years ago. He fell in love with that woman and told me that she is the love of his life and wants to be with her…This was after I found out he cheated and they did not know what to do and continued to hide it and to lie to all of us for 3 more months. Anyways…I was devastated and asked him to move out, but apparently he was so lost that he was saying that he loves us both and wanted to live with me and our 3 kids and love her at the same time..?!?!?!?!
I did not have a choice but to move out of the city with the kids. He finally decided to come and help us move and come back to be with his love! Well, he came but he never went back as was too far away and he probably got scared…He started blaming me that I moved so far, and now he can not be so far from the kids..
We tried to start from zero again and forget about the past, but I couldn’t…. He continued to communicate with that woman and did not fight for me…He stayed because of the kids..I coldn’t live loveless life and asked him to move out…It was the most difficult decision I have ever made. I felt so guilty “leaving the kids with no father”, but this marriage was toxic for me…I was dyeing slowly but surely…
Couple of months later I met a guy and now, two years after my separation and divorce, I want to live with the guy…One of my daughters is very jealous of him and cries all the time that I love him more than I love her, that she does not want him to live with us and all sorts of things. I know this is a normal reaction, but I am scared that things will get worse..
Please help me! I don’t know what to do and how to stop feeling guilty that I am trying to be happy? She is telling me that if I love her, I will not be with him .:( and I love him..He is and amazing guy, that loves me and the kids and want to have a real family!


Re: Separated....Problem with one of the kids...

Hope: It sounds like your daughter isn't handling things well. I am a daughter of divorce and my daughter is also. I know that I did some crying in the beginning. You didn't write how old your daughter is, but maybe spending some one-on-one time with her - going out for an ice cream, going shopping, etc. and assuring her that just because you love him that doesn't mean you don't love her any less.