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I left my ex when I was 4 months pregnant because he started to become verbally abusive and I didn't want my daughter growing up listening to him insulting me or is arguing thinking that's how her life will be growing up. He denied her after that and every time I would contact him to let him know I was in the hospital or anything he only insulted me. He has a son with another women he's about 4 years old and she's had a restraining against him for about 3 or 4 years now I'm not familiar with the case but it seems to be due to domestic violence. In the past right after I turned 21 i would go out to clubs and drink very often but I stopped and my main focus is to be a great mother. He changed his number so I don't contact him the only way I can contact him is through social media and often he blocks me. Our daughter is about to be 3 months old and he's never once seen her. I let him know when she was born and he didn't even ask about her all he asked me was about me. He didn't sign the declaration determining his paternity and didn't sign her birth certificate after I let him know to go get it done. I told him to meet so we could decide ourselves a visitation schedule since I want her to have a relationship with him and he refused and blocked me. wh b he unlocks me on social media all he asks about is me and how I'm doing he's never once asked about his daughter or looked for her, and he knows my parents address which is where I've lived forever now. I gave him the opportunity to make the decision on how much he wants to see her and he made excuses saying he has no time due to work and school. He threatened me saying he'll report me to child protective services but I'm not a bad mom. He's told me before he could get full custody because he makes good money and has his own apartment. I want what's in her best interest growing up having a relationship with his daughter i tried so many times and I've given up. It'so e solely financially supported her partially on my own and the rest comes from my parents. He's never offered help or to see her and has no experience with children he wants full custody to not pay child support I'm scared to lose my daughter she's too young and innocent still. What are my chances of getting her full custody?

Re: Custody

Evelyn: Speak with a Family Lawyer about this.

Re: Custody

Women almost always get full custody and child support to live off of. Gender bias in family court is nearly universal - use it to your advantage and take him for all he's worth. An attorney will take care of it for you, and it will be a wise investment.