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Divorce Child Custody advice

I've married for 12 years with my current husband. I'm 41 years old and he is 45 years old. We have 8 months old baby boy together. After the birth of baby boy, we find out that we don't love and compatible each other. I worked as a computer programmer before and I quit my job to get pregnant and become a stay at home mom 2 years ago. My husband is working full time and he is workaholic. He works around 70 hours a week. He helps to feed the baby once time per day (about 15 minutes) and that's about it. I want to move back to Canada to stay with my family so that my family can help me out in raising the baby. I want to get divorce but not sure about the child custody right. I'm living in GA. What's the odd that I can win the child custody and I can bring and raise the baby in Canada? Is there any other woman in the same boat as me? Any advice is welcome!

Re: Divorce Child Custody advice

BooBoo: Taking a child to another country could get you into legal trouble. Other people have posted on this web site about this. You can also look at custody laws in the State of Georgia on line. If your husband has not done anything illegal and is taking care of himself (no drugs/ no heavy drinking), he will be given rights to visit the child unless he does not want to be in the child's life and gives up his rights as a parent. I have been divorced since 2009 and my ex, the father of our grown daughter, never helped take care of her and wasn't home much, so I sympathize with you. I now have a man in my life who works over 50 hours a week. Please contact a Family Lawyer in the State of Georgia.