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Re: Father pays back child support. Is my 19 year old entitled to any?

Sydney: Speak with a Family Lawyer in the State where you live about this.

Re: Father pays back child support. Is my 19 year old entitled to any?

I think she can not!

Re: Father pays back child support. Is my 19 year old entitled to any?

I was 29 years old when my father started paying back child support for my sister who was 28 years old at the time and me. My mother supported us during the many years my father paid nothing and I felt she was supposed to have that money. My sister disagreed, she felt the money should go us. In my opinion that money was supposed to pay for the day to day care of the child/children and just because he is paying now instead of then the money was still spent on the child's care, you are just now receiving his part of it. It's not a bonus