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Moving Out

Hi! I'll start off by saying that I cheated on my husband. We were having financial and martial issues so I checked out of our marriage and began seeing an old high school friend. My husband recently found out and of course, he is making my life worse than ever. I take full responsibility for my actions, blaming only myself. I take all of the emotional abuse and mental stress like a champ because I did this to myself. I've finally decided to move out and that has began a new problem. Everything inside of me is telling me that I am making the right decision to move out. I don't feel bad about leaving because I need an emotional break. My only problem is that I have 4 kids and my husband refuses to co-parent. My kids are older 18,16, 15 and 9, and I don't have a problem with them living between households. I feel that they can decide if they'd like to stay with me for a few days and then stay with their dad. I feel like they can decide which house they prefer to make their home. My husband says that if either of them chooses to stay with me, they won't be able to come back to stay with him. Bottom line, I am moving out but I don't want my kids to suffer just so I can have emotional and mental peace.

Re: Moving Out

Lucy: I think your husband is being totally unfair with a decision in which the kids need to be comfortable with during this difficult time (with whom they want to live/not live with). Sometimes a parent will want kid(s) to live with them so they will not have to pay child support or will be paying less child support. It may be he is just using the kids/toying with their emotions/choices of where to live to get back at you. I am a child of divorce (I was 19 and my brother was 17) when my mom had an affair and my parents divorced. I also had an 18 yr. old with my now ex when he left. It seems as though your husband is trying to get the kids to take sides - his or yours. It is very cruel. If he were mine, I'd be miserable. Please contact a Family Lawyer in your State as soon as possible to sort this out. Also, in a divorce agreement it should state how college expenses are going to be handled (if he has enough money, he should help) and if an 18 year old is a full-time college student, in some cases they have the same status as a child (mine was) so my ex tried to get custody but his Lawyer backed down and said she could live with whoever she wanted to because she was 18 (she chose to stay with me and he moved an hour away closer to work) - don't know if there are different laws about this in different States.