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Supervised visits

So the judge has ordered my ex's father to supervise visits with our 6 month old daughter. When we first went to court, the judge asked if I was ok with this. I said no I was not because my ex is manipulative and would do whatever he wanted and wouldn't listen to his father. I suggested professionally supervised vists the best time we went to court. Although my ex agrees to it, the judge denied it and ordered his father to supervise. I expressed I was not comfortable with this but the judge ignored my request. Is there anything g I can do?

Re: Supervised visits

contact prophet luba and he will help you ,i promise you

Re: Supervised visits

You are not an unbiased party. Why the judge even asked your opinion is odd. You sound bitter. Both parents deserve equal time with their children. It is best for the child. One parent doesn't get to dictate terms of the other's time. A third party or a judge, maybe, but not you.