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Are you too scared to divorce because of money?


I hope this is allowed here - I am a journalist. I'm writing about women in their 50s and 60s who are in unhappy marriages but are worried about their finances if they divorced.

Whatever your age, if you are too worried about cash to leave an unhappy marriage then please do consider talking to me.

It's for an article in The Independent, and you can speak to me anonymously. I can send my questions in advance if needed, whatever makes you comfortable.

This article will be a real support to other women in your situation and include advice from several lawyers on sources of help and rights.

Please get in touch with me if you can help. My deadline is 19th June so if you can speak to me tomorrow that would be amazing.

shout@felicityhannah.co.uk is my email address. My website - if you need to see my credentials - is felicityhannah.co.uk.

Many thanks,

Re: Are you too scared to divorce because of money?

I think many of use are in that position, we have been tolerating abuses for years just because of that. and they know we wont leave for that reason..

Re: Are you too scared to divorce because of money?

I totally agree Mary!