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Am I crazy

First off my name is raven. I love my husband with all of my heart. I am struggling letting go. See I left him because I felt that he didn't respect me or show me how he felt. Example he has told me we wont go to dinner until I put make up on, he has told me that what I am thinking isn't real I am over reacting. These's things that we have expirence are so small and don't seem so large but they are consistent. It has gotten to the point I walk on eggshells because I am afaid of what he will approve of. I feel like I am so wrapped in his opinion of me. I am not perfect I struggle a lot. he makes me feel crazy for wanting to leave and he is like a drug to me like I honestly feel like the life is being sucked out of me! its hard to handle. any ideas?? I would love to explain more but its just so much to type

Re: Am I crazy

NOBODY IS PERFECT! remember that, it is good that you want your husband to like you but dont let your self-esteem and happiness depend on him.

Re: Am I crazy


I'm a 62 year-old woman who just divorced after 36 years of marriage. I had an epiphany 6 months ago that although my mate and I had 30+ plus years of good companionship and raised a wonderful daughter, there were things I wanted out of life that I was only going to get if I was on my own. I believe most women DO want to please their mates and friends at the cost of their own wishes. It's not the man's fault, it's our own desire to please others. Neither is "at fault" or to blame. I decided that I have limited years left and I will not get what I want out of living as long as I am in a relationship with ANYONE.

YOU, sweetie are NOT crazy.

This is not easy. I'm basically starting over at 62. I'm very lonely and depressed a lot of the time but I can't NOT do this.

Re: Am I crazy

Raven, it sounds like you are doing the smart thing and leaving a toxic relationship. I understand how you feel and wish I had left years ago, but I felt the same way, I thought I loved him with all my heart, and that he loved me, so I stuck around and took the verbal abuse and made excuses for him. These small things you are experiencing are abusive. If you feel like you have to walk on egg shells all the time, then something is seriously wrong. Seek counseling if necessary, that is what I am doing.