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If my husband is in debt, would that affect the alimony?

My husband and I have decided to file joint divorce petition after one year of marriage

My husband is filling his financial long form since he gets more than 75k a year. However he added in the list of Debt his credit cards where he owes the banks 50k? Does he have the right to write that since it is his personal debts and not marital debts? Also how would that affect me concerning the alimony, Can the judge refuse to grant me the alimony due to his personal debts?

Thank you for answering my questions, I appreciate it
All the best

Re: If my husband is in debt, would that affect the alimony?

Can't answer your questions because there are too many unknown variables. You need to provide additional details (state, pre-marriage debt, etc.). All I can say at this point is, you go girl - alimony after just a year of marriage. Nicely played. Stick him for everything. It's great to see another case of the family law system working for women. Men are so clueless - it's so easy for us to take their money.

Re: If my husband is in debt, would that affect the alimony?

Yosie: I was divorced in 2009. My ex and I had a joint credit card. Nearly all of the debt was his. I asked him to pay it. My Lawyer told me to close the joint credit card account because we were getting divorced so I called and cancelled it. He wasn't happy about it, but I told him my Lawyer told me to. I probably should have told him ahead of time. He kept a joint store credit card account open after the divorce and moved to another State. I let him know I was cancelling the account and they sent a letter to him about it. I told him he just needed to get his own account. I could go on and on..........but that is part of my experience I am passing on in hopes of helping you. My ex was also laid off during the time we were getting ready for the divorce and I did not get alimony for nine months. If you are able to work, it is expected you will by his Lawyer if he has one. If you do not already have a Lawyer, you should get one - remember, they will charge you for every phone call, face-to-face meeting, e-mail, etc.

Re: If my husband is in debt, would that affect the alimony?

Depending on the state, you may be responsible for paying 1/2 of the debt.

If I were you, I'd forget about alimony (after *1* year, really?) and be thankful that you are getting out without paying anything.