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My son will be going into kindergarten this year. He has been at a daycare since he was born because my ex and I worked. My ex will have my son on the first day of kindergarten because legally our schedules switch on Tuesdays and school starts on Monday. Can I show up to my child's first day of school even though it is not on my day without my ex's consent? If yes, I will be taking time away from him on his day should I give him extra time? If he does not let me go, what can I do? Thank you.

Re: Kindergarten

Mandy: Family Lawyers handle questions like this. Parents usually attend events by having a parent attend an event one year and the other attend the next year (taking turns).

Re: Kindergarten

Let your Ex know that you want to bring your child to school with him on the first day if that is okay with him. I'm sure you can both get along to do that and both of you just need to think of your child and not yourselves.

My ex wanted to bring our child to the first day of school and didn't want to do it together so only I brought him.

Life is short, hope you can work it out for your child.